Goconnecting is a platform and an excuse. It is a platform to stand on as I engage scholarship and ministry. It is an excuse, in that if there is a name it must be a real thing and it can take my time.
I have travelled, lived, studied and taught in East, Southeast and Central Asia since 1997. My research and work is with Christians globally, and their attempts to retransmit their beliefs across geographic and cultural challenges and opportunities. I teach varying Biblical Studies and Applied Ministry courses when I have the chance– Church Planting and Church Growth, Church History, Missiological surveys, etc. I also provide readership on varying Ph.D. dissertations, and D.Miss project supervision. The topics of readership and supervision include the diffusion of Christianity historically and intentional retransmission by Christians from around the globe, and other topics in World Christian Studies.
Some areas of research and scholarly interest are:
The diffusion of Christianity in Church History, and specifically in the context of Chinese Christianity. Han Christian interaction in Mission and diffusing their beliefs cross-culturally.
The spread of vernacular translations of the Bible and its impact in mission and World Christianity.
The global mobilization of World Christians in Christian missions.
On this site I hope to continue to share how Christians from around the globe will continue to share and diffuse their faith in the years to come.
If you would like to contact me for teaching, supervision, readership, research, etc. please email me at:
info@goconnecting.us, or find me on twitter @goconnecting